Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall 2012

I'm not sure I've ever gone this long without writing on the blog. I'd have to check the archives to be sure, but I doubt it. I don't know why, either. Kelly-Anne is as real and vivid to me in memory as she has been since that terrible day eight years ago. But I don't spend as much time engaged in the day-to-day fog of mourning as I used to. It is not as if I don't miss her--because I miss her something fierce. And it isn't as if I don't think of her--I have photos of her at home and at the office and I think of her nearly every day. But somehow it is different. Maybe it is all the change that makes it seem different--I'm so much older now. It's hard to rememeber exactly what it was like to be 24 and just starting out in the world. Kell's dear sister, Kim, has moved to Alberta with the love her life and is busy building a life there. Kell's mom, Doreen, is married and now a small business owner. Kell's Dad is also doing well and keeping very busy in the community and at his job. Somehow the first signs of fall have arrived without me thinking of what this time of year means and the loss it represents. I can't believe it snuck up on me! I'll be posting with regularity over the coming weeks, as I always do, to mark the anniversary of Kelly-Anne's death and the passing of another year. Please join me and share your own memories about Kelly-Anne in the comments section.

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