Wednesday, January 25, 2006

on the pitch

This is a memory from a friend of Kelly-Anne's that was left on her online obituary.

"I can still remember the day I met Kelly-Anne. She approached me on the rugby pitch at ConU after our first practice. Kelly-Anne wanted to be my rookie because she said we had a 'connection.' She threw the ball and I caught it and we had executed perfectly. We had a good chuckle at that and many more after that. I believe that Kelly-Anne connected with people everywhere she went and it is by these connections that she will be remembered by forever."

Kell was passionate about playing rugby, both with the Stingers and with the Barbs. She practiced hard, and although she was never the most naturally skilled player on the team, she always made a major contribution through hard work, determination, and sheer will. In the photo below I can just imagine her trying to dissect her performance in the game and wondering how she could improve next time.

Kell spent many a day of her short life involved in various sporting activities. Athletics were very important to her--but they did not define her. Rather, Kell was defined by her desire to push herself to the best of her abilities and excel in everything that she did.

1 comment:

Jeff Msangi said...

Beautiful blog.I am sorry about the loss.In God we remain trusting.