This is a sad week for all of us who knew and loved Kelly-Anne. When the calendar turns to October, we our forced to confront the reality of what happened this week 12 years ago when Kelly-Anne was taken from us.
The reality is, we all still miss her every day. But we still find a way to find joy in our lives. Which is what Kelly-Anne would want.
And we see things that remind us of Kell on a daily basis. A beautiful ocean. A group of girls playing rugby. Concordia University's campus. A lifeguard. Someone with beautiful dark curly hair. Small but significant things that make us smile and remember our dear friend.
I can't really believe I've been keeping this blog for twelve years and that's how long Kell has been gone. Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday when I was hanging out with her in Montreal for the last time. But so much has happened. She's missed out on so much of our lives. But, more importantly, she missed out on so much of her own adventure.
We'll never get the pleasure of seeing how Kell's life turned out, which is a terrible tragedy. But we're grateful for each and every day we got to spend with her during her time on earth.
We love and miss you, Kelly-Anne.